MOS electronics usually refers to electronic components and circuits based on MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, metal oxide semiconductor) technology. MOS technology is one of the most important and widely used technologies in the semiconductor industry and is mainly used to manufacture integrated circuits (ICs), especially digital circuits and analog circuits.
Main components of MOS electronics
MOSFET (MOS Field Effect Transistor): As the most common MOS device, MOSFET is widely used in switching and amplification applications. According to its structure and working principle, it can be divided into two types: Enhancement-mode and Depletion-mode.
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor): CMOS is a technology that uses complementary p-type and n-type MOS transistors. It has low power consumption and high noise immunity and is widely used in microprocessors, memories and other digital logic circuits. middle.
MOS circuits: including various circuit designs based on MOS devices, such as amplifiers, oscillators, and logic gates.
Applications: automobiles, UPS, energy storage BMS, industrial power supplies, PC/PD power supplies, etc.